
Welcome to our english part of the website. We created this part of the website because we know that there are visitors who can’t read Dutch. We will do our best to update this section as often as we can.

Every once in a very long time, the stars are at the right position for the birth of something powerful. As so, the stars were at the birth of Whatsaname.

After the participation in several projects by the members of the band and being addicted to rock music, Jacob, Anton and Arnold decided there should be more Rock and Fun! So Whatsaname was founded. Having (more or less) reached adulthood the three   members combine their experience to create a powerful burst of energy on stage. Somewhat surprisingly (or not?) the band seems to attract an audience in an age span from about 15 to 50 years. Which probably has something to do with the current youth gaining interest again in more guitar orientated music, while the more adult like to live up the days of their youth.

Nevertheless, Whatsaname will do what its supposed to do, namely:

“Rock your place down”